6 Ways to Reduce Injuries on the Job


Protect your crew with these simple safety tips for the construction trades.

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According to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), nearly 6.5 million people work at a construction site in the U.S. on any given day. As the need for new residential and commercial development continues to grow across the country, and here in Wisconsin, deepening concerns for worker safety also increase. Below are six essential safety tips to help reduce injuries on the job to share with your crew. However, these are for your reference only. Be sure to adhere to OSHA guidelines and other industry standards for the most up-to-date safety requirements.

1.      Outfit crew members with the latest protective gear

2.      Install fall-protection equipment

3.      Maintain tidy work areas and use proper lighting

4.      Keep equipment secure and powered down when not in use

5.      Have a well-stocked first-aid kit

6.      Prioritize frequent safety training

Learn more about each of these tips below.

1.      Outfit crew members with the latest protective gear

Equipping your crew with the latest protection can help maintain individual safety while on-site. This gear can include boots with good traction and a steel plate, secure or even “smart” helmets, safety vests appropriately classified for their use, and other protective equipment that meet today’s safety standards. Taking care to invest in protecting your crew with the gear they need can help save lives.

2.      Install fall-protection equipment

One of the most common injuries on construction sites are falls from heights or slips and trips. Installing fall-protection equipment like guardrail systems, safety nets, and personal fall arrest systems can significantly help reduce this risk. Since about half of workplace deaths from falls occur from heights of 25 feet or less, it’s important to use this equipment even at lower elevations.

3.      Maintain tidy work areas and use proper lighting

In addition to having fall-protection equipment, keeping construction work areas clean, tidy, and free of clutter will further help reduce the risk of trips and falls from hidden objects or materials. Installing ample lighting is another step toward a safe work environment.

4.      Keep equipment secure and powered down when not in use

Ensure your crew powers down all tools, machinery, and other hazardous electrical equipment and stores them safely when not in use. To help prevent electrocution or other electrical-related injuries on the job, identify potential hazards and label them appropriately.

5.      Have a well-stocked first-aid kit

When construction accidents do happen, be prepared with a well-stocked first-aid kit on the job site that meets – or exceeds – OSHA’s recommended minimal requirements from ANSI/ISEA. Items on this list include bandages, tape, burn dressings, cold packs, eye wash, tourniquet, and antibiotic application. Find the complete list of minimally required first-aid supplies here. Designate one of your crew members to be responsible for ensuring supplies are fully stocked and in good order, so everything is ready when an injury occurs.

6.      Prioritize frequent safety training

Never assume that your crew or independent contractors know proper safety procedures. The training techniques differ between jobs, employers, and locations, so prioritizing safety training for all workers from the very first day can help ensure a safe working environment on your job site. State-approved programs and curriculums can provide the most up-to-date protocols that are compliant with the latest requirements.

Beyond initial safety training, follow up with frequent supplementary training to discuss changes in protocol and new safety equipment or guidelines to help safety information stay fresh on your crew’s minds. One study indicates that construction workers who receive regular safety training are 12% less likely to be hurt on the job.

These six ways to reduce injuries on the job can help ensure the safety and well-being of your employees and independent contractors. Find more helpful tips for the construction trades on our blog.

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